
House Painting in Australia

House painting is not an easy task. However, it's important to get your home painted and looking its best, this is so you can sell or rent the property, and also when moving in to live in a property as an owner-occupier. Specifier Australia will provide you with helpful information on painting.

Before we talk about painting tips, let's look at what type of paint should be used for different areas in the house. The exterior of a building requires high-quality protective coatings that are designed specifically for this use. This is true whether the exterior coating is in a new or worn condition. The type of paint needed for a specific job depends mainly on exposure to various different elements.

The interior also needs paints that have low toxicity and emit low VOCs (volatile organic compounds), because they're inhaling these chemicals while inside. You'll find two types of paints: latex and oil-based. Latex paint dries faster but is less durable than oil-based paint. Get advice from a professional about which type of paint is best for your home's interior or exterior.

To make the job easier, you will need to set up a few simple things beforehand. To avoid spilling on your furniture and flooring, put tarpaulins down first. Next, turn off the electricity and other utilities to the area you need to paint. Cover windows with plastic sheets or cardboard so the paint doesn't get onto them, curtains or furnishings.

House Painting Wall Roller

Painting Quotes

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What is Blistering

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Paint Colour Consultant

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Best Paving Paint

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